Monday, May 14, 2012

What's in a Name?

It has been brought to my attention that I have not revealed the name of my sweet baby boy on the blog. Sorry Folks! I guess pregnancy brain has gotten the best of me!  So let me introduce you to my baby boy...
   Harrison Gunter Johnson
He is waving Hello! :)
We will be calling him Gunter, which is pronounced like Gun-ner. The t is silent! How did we come up with his name? Well....Harrison was my Mom's maiden name and Gunter was my Grandmother Emma Lee's (my mom's mom) maiden name.  I knew that I wanted to use some family names since I wouldn't be carrying on my maiden name. I have always loved Gunter and knew I would use that for a little boy someday. We added the Harrison after we found out I was pregnant.
So now that you know my unintentional secret :)  let's get to counting down the days until our little Gunter arrives.
As of today we have 60 days, or less until baby boy makes his debut! I can't wait!!!!!!

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